Haitian Creole

quercus petraea/nicotine

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13 các kết quả

Regulation of simultaneous synthesis of floral scent terpenoids by the 1,8-cineole synthase of Nicotiana suaveolens.

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The white flowers of N. suaveolens emit a complex bouquet of fragrance volatiles. The dominant compounds are benzenoids (e.g. methyl benzoate, methyl salicylate, benzyl benzoate and benzyl salicylate), monoterpenes (1,8-cineole, limonene, sabinene, E-beta-ocimene, beta-beta-myrcene, alpha- and

The effect of varying alkaloid concentrations on the feeding behavior of gypsy moth larvae, Lymantria dispar (L.) (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae).

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Nine alkaloids (acridine, aristolochic acid, atropine, berberine, caffeine, nicotine, scopolamine, sparteine, and strychnine) were evaluated as feeding deterrents for gypsy moth larvae (Lymantria dispar (L.); Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae). Our aim was to determine and compare the taste threshold
As a preliminary step in the phosphoproteome analysis of germinating seeds (0 and 24 h after seed imbibition) and early grown seedlings (216 h after seed imbibition) from a non-orthodox sp. Quercus ilex, a multiplex (SYPRO-Ruby and Pro-Q DPS) staining of high-resolution 2-DE gels was used. By using

Comparison of different methods for lignin determination as a basis for calibration of near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy and implications of lignoproteins.

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Three commonly employed methods for lignin determination, i.e., the thioglycolic acid (TGA), the acetylbromide (AB), and the acid detergent fiber (ADF) method, were compared using leaves and xylem tissue from five species (Nicotiana tabacum, Populus x canescens, Fagus sylvatica, Quercus robur, and

First Report of Cucumber mosaic virus in Helleborus foetidus in France and Italy.

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Helleborus foetidus L. (bear's foot) is a perennial plant from the family Ranunculaceae that is common in chalky soils of southern and western Europe. It is grown in gardens for its palm-shaped leaves and early flowers. In 1995, yellow-to-white oak leaf and line patterns in leaves of H. foetidus

Apoptotic and antimetastatic activities of betulin isolated from Quercus incana against non-small cell lung cancer cells.

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Globally, the prevalence and mortality rates of lung cancer have been escalated with the increasing trend of tobacco smoking. The toxicity and irresponsive nature of the available drugs for lung cancer treatment demands an alternative

Hemolin-A lepidopteran anti-viral defense factor?

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Immunity in insects has largely focused on responses towards bacteria and fungi, but recently the study of immune responses against viral infections has also received attention. In Lepidoptera, phagocytosis and encapsulation mediated by hemocytes, and apoptosis are part of the response against virus

Description of Meloidogyne christiei n. sp. (Nematoda: Meloidogynidae) from Oak with SEM and Host-Range Observations.

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Meloidogyne christiei n. sp. is described and illustrated from turkey oak (Quercus laevis) in Sanlando Park, Altamonte Springs, Florida. This new nematode species has a distinctive perineal pattern commonly with a high, squarish arch and coarse broken striae which tend to diverge at various angles,

Temperature responses of mesophyll conductance differ greatly between species.

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The temperature responses of mesophyll conductance (gm ) were investigated for nine species using carbon isotope techniques combining tunable diode laser spectroscopy and gas exchange measurements. Species included the evergreen trees Eucalyptus pauciflora and Quercus engelmannii; the tropical

Fungal Planet description sheets: 400-468.

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Novel species of fungi described in the present study include the following from Australia: Vermiculariopsiella eucalypti, Mulderomyces natalis (incl. Mulderomyces gen. nov.), Fusicladium paraamoenum, Neotrimmatostroma paraexcentricum, and Pseudophloeospora eucalyptorum on leaves of Eucalyptus spp.,

Temperature response of leaf photosynthetic capacity in seedlings from seven temperate tree species.

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Seedlings of seven temperate tree species (Acer pseudoplatanus L., Betula pendula Roth, Fagus sylvatica L., Fraxinus excelsior L., Juglans regia L., Quercus petraea Matt. Liebl. and Quercus robur L.) were grown in a nursery under neutral filters transmitting 45% of incident global irradiance. During

An ethnoveterinary study of medicinal plants in treatment of diseases and syndromes of herd dog in southern regions of Ilam province, Iran.

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This paper describes a selection of the ethnoveterinary medicines used for herd dogs in the southern regions of Ilam province, Iran. Traditional botanical medicine is the primary mode of healthcare for most of the rural population in Ilam province. In this study, a questionnaire was distributed

Fungal Planet description sheets: 716-784.

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Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Australia, Chaetopsina eucalypti on Eucalyptus leaf litter, Colletotrichum cobbittiense from Cordyline stricta × C. australis hybrid, Cyanodermella
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