Haitian Creole

arabidopsis pedemontana/atrofija

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Novel Drosophila melanogaster genes encoding RRM-type RNA-binding proteins identified by a degenerate PCR strategy.

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We are interested in identifying Drosophila melanogaster RNA-binding proteins involved in important developmental decisions made at the level of mRNA processing, stability, localization or translational control. A large subset of the proteins known to interact with specific RNA sequences shares an

Recent degeneration of an old duplicated flowering time gene in Brassica nigra.

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Gene and genome duplications play a major role in the evolution of plant species. The Brassica nigra genome is highly replicated as a result of ancient polyploidization events. Two copies of the flowering time gene CONSTANS (COa and COb) have been identified in B. nigra, and previous studies showed

Resistance gene candidates identified by PCR with degenerate oligonucleotide primers map to clusters of resistance genes in lettuce.

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The recent cloning of genes for resistance against diverse pathogens from a variety of plants has revealed that many share conserved sequence motifs. This provides the possibility of isolating numerous additional resistance genes by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with degenerate oligonucleotide
Dry seeds accumulate translatable mRNAs as well as functional proteins for transcription and translation. They are possibly involved in early physiological responses after imbibition, however, their functions remain poorly understood. The aim of this study is to investigate the function of seed
We employed hi-TAIL-PCR to identify T-DNA loci in our Arabidopsis activation tagging library and only a total of 28 (39%) insertion sites from 72 samples were characterized when the recommended primer pools, C1 and C2 were used. By comparison, we found C1 harboring relatively low degeneracy was more

Arabidopsis COGWHEEL1 links light perception and gibberellins with seed tolerance to deterioration.

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Light is a major regulator of plant growth and development by antagonizing gibberellins (GA), and we provide evidence for a role of light perception and GA in seed coat formation and seed tolerance to deterioration. We have identified two activation-tagging mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana, cog1-2D
In flowering plant reproduction, pollen tube reception is the signaling system that results in pollen tube discharge, synergid degeneration, and successful delivery of male gametes (two sperm cells) to the site where they can fuse with female gametes (egg cell and central cell). Some molecules

Efficient screening of Arabidopsis T-DNA insertion lines using degenerate primers.

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The sequencing of the Arabidopsis plant genome is providing a fuller understanding of the number and types of plant genes. However, in most cases we do not know which genes are responsible for specific metabolic and signal transduction pathways. Analysis of gene function is also often confounded by
Pollen formation is a complex developmental process that has been extensively investigated to unravel underlying fundamental developmental mechanisms and for genetic manipulation of the male-sterility trait for hybrid crop production. Here we describe identification of AtPUB4, a U-box/ARM

JAGGER, an AGP essential for persistent synergid degeneration and polytubey block in Arabidopsis.

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A precise control of sperm cells delivery and fusion to the egg cell and the central cell is fundamental for the accomplishment of successful double fertilization in flowering plants. This is mostly regulated by female gametophyte egg and central cells, which control the timing of synergids cell
Successful double fertilization and subsequent seed development in flowering plants requires the delivery of two sperm cells, transported by a pollen tube, into the embryo sac of an ovule. The embryo sac cells tightly control synergid cell death, and as a result the polyspermy block. Arabinogalactan

Seed tolerance to deterioration in arabidopsis is affected by virus infection.

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Seed longevity is the period during which the plant seed is able to germinate. This property is strongly influenced by environment conditions experienced by seeds during their formation and storage. In the present study we have analyzed how the biotic stress derived from the infection of Cauliflower

Sterility Caused by Floral Organ Degeneration and Abiotic Stresses in Arabidopsis and Cereal Grains.

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Natural floral organ degeneration or abortion results in unisexual or fully sterile flowers, while abiotic stresses lead to sterility after initiation of floral reproductive organs. Since normal flower development is essential for plant sexual reproduction and crop yield, it is imperative to have a

An Arabidopsis F-box protein regulates tapetum degeneration and pollen maturation during anther development.

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The Arabidopsis anther has a bilateral symmetry with four lobes, each consisting of four distinct layers of somatic cells from the outer to inner side: epidermis, endothecium, middle layer and tapetum. The tapetum is a layer of cells comprising the inner surface of the pollen wall. It plays an

Visualizing the genetic landscape of Arabidopsis seed performance.

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Perfect timing of germination is required to encounter optimal conditions for plant survival and is the result of a complex interaction between molecular processes, seed characteristics, and environmental cues. To detangle these processes, we made use of natural genetic variation present in an
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